About Us

In high school everyone was required to undertake at least one practical subject and I was put into a Fashion and design class which I did not like. So when they gave us the chance to change I quickly jumped to the opportunity and opted to take Food and Nutrition instead and I have never regretted the decision. I fell in love with food, not only did we learn how to make good food, but also how to set up the tables, how to decorate tables in unique ways to make them as appealing as the food that was served. Since then my passion grew, I began to search for various recipes of cooking and baking, trying them out at home to see how they would come up and the love and passion grew. I also learned and watched various videos on you tube on how to decorate and drape.

I then decided to venture into a business in which I would serve people from walks of life instead of being served. I find satisfaction in serving others and meeting their needs and expectations!

I began working from home, about 10 years ago, making cakes and catering for events and decorating for family and friends. In 2014 Elegance was officially born in order to cater for a diverse number of people and spread our wings and offer Elegance in all our services and products.